(Bio)fueling injustice? (2012)

The present report builds on the findings presented in the 2009-2010 EuropAfrica study on land-grabbing prepared by FIAN International (the “Monitoring” report ”) and on documentation of new cases and relevant reports on issues of commercial investments in land in Africa and the role of biofuels released since. It focuses on the impacts of the EU biofuel policy regarding food security, sustainable small-scale agricultural production and other related social, economic and environmental aspects, with special attention to Africa. It concludes that, as it stands, this policy is not coherent with EU development objectives and that, in applying it, the EU and its Member States are violating human rights standards.

This contradiction, however, can be corrected. The report is framed in the spirit of the shared aim that no harm and suffering should result from EU policies. It seeks to constructively suggest ways to improve the existing policies and to create a space for dialogue between EU actors, civil society and affected people to this effect.

The report is downloadable here.