
Thanks to the activities of our local coordination offices in Africa and Latin America, as well as the lobbying and advocacy work carried out at European and international level, we have been continuously present on the ground for over 40 years. We are convinced that only through the active involvement and participation of communities is it possible to have a real dialogue with local organisations and support real needs and interests.                                 

Our work is funded by private donations and by funds allocated by the bodies and institutions that support our projects and initiatives. It is essential for us to maintain our independence in order to fully commit to protecting human rights and fighting for food sovereignty. 

Good work, though, requires adequate funding: you too can support Terra Nuova! Get involved in a new world!

How to support Terra Nuova

The fight for human rights and food sovereignty needs your support too! Stay up to date by signing up to receive our newsletter, and by participating in events or supporting our campaignsIn particular, take a look at: Hands On the Land for Food Sovereignty; Amazon For Life; EUROPAFRICA; STOP TTIP.