

TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) is an agreement on trade and investments currently being negotiated between the US and the European Union. TTIP negotiations, which began in July 2013, are deliberately kept secret. 

Amazon for life

Terra Nuova has been committed to assisting the indigenous population of Peru since the early 1970s, and is now launching a campaign, 'Amazon for Life', for the right to safe food, dignified work and ecosystems that can regenerate, for the people of the Peruvian Amazon.

EuropAfrica – towards food sovereignty

EuropAfrica – towards food sovereignty is a campaign to create a network linking peasant platforms in Central, Eastern and Western Africa  (ROPPA, PROPAC, EAFF) with European civil society, he aim of the campaign is to support the journey to food sovereignty in Africa and Europe, enabling African peasant organisations to have their voices heard and play a significant political role on the issues that affect them.

Hands on the land for food sovereignty

Hands on the land for food sovereignty is a European education and awareness-raising campaign that links several struggles for food sovereignty in the global North and South. This means putting the visions and aspirations of those who are on the front line of the fight for food sovereignty, whether they be small fishing, peasant, sheep farming communities, or indigenous people, young or future farmers, or marginalised, vulnerable groups, at the heart of the policies that affect them.

Campaign for peasant agriculture

The campaign for peasant agriculture is run by a network of associations and peasants that is gathering new members every day.